Thursday 28 January 2010

Snapped With My Blackberry: Sinister Black Child's Wig

There's nothing like a bit of passive racism to shift units of a Halloween novelty wig!

This horrific grammar does a brilliant job of implying that this wig is only for sinister black children. Surely upon proof reading it should have become Child's sinister black wig.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Best Onion posts of 2009


Actual genius.

My personal favourite, "Sony releases new stupid piece of shit that doesn't fucking work"

I lolled hard.

Monday 25 January 2010

Snapped With My Blackberry: Chinese Democracy

Axl Rose take note, this is what happens when a band spends 12 years making an album that eventually turns out to be crap.

Sunspots: Youthful High Jinks

These boys are 13 and 14 for christ's sake, they should be wanking furiosly into a gym sock whilst rifling threough their best mate's mum's underwear draw and sniffing the gusset of her laciest french knickers. Has internet porn desensitized these kids so much that they've resorted to playing mundane games of dares for kicks?

What are they planning for their next trick? Playing a game of fives where the loser has to go on an exchange trip to the Fritzl's home maybe. Train Surfing perhaps.

Friday 22 January 2010

Be my friend: Last FM

Do you use Last FM? I do and it's brilliant.

The way it works is that you download a plug in (called the audio scrobbler) for itunes which logs (or scrobbles) every track you play. The Last Fm website then take this data and processes it to produce a number of charts telling you what you listen to most frequently. It also uses this data to suggest similar music that you may like.

It's a simple concept and it works incredibly well. I love it.

Take a look at my profile and see if you like it. You'll see that I'm a big Pixies fan!

Will's Last FM

Thursday 21 January 2010

Overheard at Kingsholm

Whilst watching Gloucester Rugby play I overheard this gem of a phone conversation between an Irishman and his mate.

Irishman 1: Where are we? We're on the Western Terrace.
Irishman 2 (unheard): Are you stood up?
Irishman 1: Stood up? We're on a fucking terrace, everyone's stood up!